Monthly Archives: June 2022

24 Jun

What are functional skills?

By | June 24th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

What are functional skills?   Functional Skills are qualifications in Maths and English that people take in order to get into higher education and to better their employment chances. Level 2 qualifications are also needed to complete an apprenticeship.    What are functional skills? Qualifications used for?   Maths and English level 2 qualifications are [...]

14 Jun

GCSE Equivalency Tests

By | June 14th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

Picking the right qualification is incredibly important for any student or adult learner to proceed in their career aspirations. At Leeds Tutor Company will help you pick and achieve the necessary pass to further your career such as those wanting to gain a PGCE qualification, to be in midwifery or nursing. On top of this [...]