Monthly Archives: September 2022

27 Sep

Free Functional Skills Diagnostic Assessment

By | September 27th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

Here Leedstutorcompany, we are always here for all of our students to ensure they achieve their GCSE or functional skills qualifications in both maths and English. For the many that struggle in achieving a level 4 and for adult learners, we advise a functional skills level 2 instead as there is less content to learn [...]

16 Sep

GCSE Resits

By | September 16th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

This year, many students were left dissatisfied with the results they received, many needing GCSE Resits in Maths and English. If they still want to pursue a career where the Maths and English qualifications are mandatory, either ressitting or the alternative, but widely accepted, Functional Skills Qualifications are the best routes to explore.   At [...]